Sunday, July 8, 2012


My early years in college… No actually it was when I was in classVIII, that’s when I first started maintaining a diary. I discovered I had a passion for writing and it was mostly to be honest and write about how I felt, what was happening around me etc. The diary was my magic mirror, a world which had only me in it. I would ask the questions and while writing I would somehow always find the answersJ. It was a place where I truly was who I am…no hiding, no illusions, no pretensions!!! Writing to me is therapeutic. That was also the time I decided that someday I will write a book (though am not yet sure where to begin, but I will get there someday JJ).
Anyway today, there is so much happening around us, some interesting, some clearly frustrating and some testing our resolve. In a closed door environment, we all voice our opinions but somehow fail to do so in forums where it would matter. I am no exception!
I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time. Just wasn’t sure if I was ready to share my thoughts, my angst, my moments of happiness and my quest of self discovery with the outside world.
You can use a blog to tell your story, your views, and your opinions. But to be honest, a blog is a big responsibility! And I think I am finally ready to take on this responsibility.
So! Here it begins….. A few “MYSTIC MUSINGS”. Let me know what you think. The more you tell me, the more I learn and the better I write...

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